Friday, December 27, 2019

Ways to Highlight Transferable Skills on Your Resume

Ways to Highlight Transferable Skills on Your ResumeWays to Highlight Transferable Skills on Your ResumeTransferable skills are the types of skills you can apply to any industry you work in. Regardless of the industry or job, these skills work for you on a resume. For example, if you worked in a company where you interacted with customers on a daily basisand you are trying to land a job in sales, there may be some transferable skills.While you might not be familiar with work experience in sales, you do have the ability to talk to and empathize with customers. You have the ability to discuss products, talk about solutions, and genuinely make customers feel confident in the product you are going to sell.Being able to communicate, listen, and make customers feel confident are transferable skills that can carry across many industries, especially in todays customer-centric economy. So, what are some ways to properly highlight these skills?1. Identify transferable skillsFirst, you must ide ntify skills to landsee if they will be transferable at your new job. Here are some of the most common skillsCommunicationProblem-solvingOrganizingComputers and devices (we all use them)TeamworkListening and learningDo you see what applies to you from this list? Think about the previous jobs you had held and see what skills above helped you achieve results. Be honest with yourself and ask others what they think as well. Ask yourself how any of the above skills helped you in the past.2. Create a summary section and skills sectionOn your resume, write a brief summary in which you highlight your transferable skills. Make it easy for hiring managers to find your transferable skills because they will not be looking at resumes for very long on average about six seconds.In your skills section, add your strongest transferable skills accompanied with a brief description of how these skills are applicable. Here is an example of a skills section with transferable skillsSkillsCommunication Spen t the past few years working with global teams communicating with staff in Europe, North America, and Asia. Excellent writing skills for explaining concepts and tasks in a concise manner.Time management Tasked with finding new technology for helping employees work smarter and increase productivity.3. Combine your resumesThe combination resume layout helps list your previous positions. Employers will have the chance to identify previous roles that match the description of the position they are looking to fill.4. End in StyleFinish off your resume with a list of hobbies or interests that reinforces the strength of your transferable skills. For copywriters and bloggers, you can explain how much you love reading the works of well-known authors or thought leaders.Changing careers should not feel stressful. If you write a resume that promotes your transferable skills, you will soon find your dream job

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Crossing the Valley of Death

Crossing the Valley of Death Crossing the Valley of Death Crossing the Valley of DeathAs Mechanical Engineering magazine celebrates five emerging technologies this month, we should pause to consider how difficult it can be to get a potentially good idea from the laboratory to the marketplace. A classic example of this difficulty is the humble Post-it note.The engineer and inventor Art Fry worked for the 3M Company, which allowed him to engage part time in intrapreneurshipmeaning that in addition to doing his assigned work he welches free to pursue his own research and development ideas and then attempt to promote them within the company. Fry employed a supposedly failed product off the laboratory shelf to give bookmark-size slips of paper the ability to remain in place yet be easily removed after they had served their purpose.When Fry approached his superiors with his invention, the novel idea welches not received with much enthusiasm. The market for sticky bookmarks did not seem to be very promising, and the idea that people could use what came to be known informally as little stick um das and sticky notes to write reminders and attach them to everything from refrigerator doors to appointment books seemed outlandish. After all, why would anyone pay for pads of a manufactured product whose purpose had long been served by recycled scraps of paper cut or torn from larger sheets?Fry persistently pushed the idea until 3M relented and test-marketed temporarily permanent stick-and-remove notes, pads of which were distributed free to customers of other office products.Before long, based on requests to reorder supplies of the notes, it was clear that the little slips of colored paper backed by a strip of so-called unglue met an unperceived need. Secretaries and other office workers found all sorts of uses for what came to be called Post-it notes, and as it is said, the rest is history for the immensely successful product. But the process spanned about a decade.If an in trapreneur like Fry had to work with such determination to achieve success within his own company, imagine how difficult it must be for an independent inventor to sell an idea to a large manufacturing firm. Not only must the not invented here syndrome be overcome but also the outright risk of having a very good idea become adaptedsome would say stolenby a company without recognition or remuneration of the inventor.Stories are legion of lone inventors, having succeeded in getting their foot in the corporate door to demonstrate their invention, only to be disappointed in it not being embraced, and to find later their idea incorporated into some successful big-firm product. It is like rubbing salt in the wound of rejection.The example of the intermittent windshield wiper falls into this category. Its inventor, Robert Kearns, encountered rejection at all the Big Three automakers. He found vindication, however, when patent infringement lawsuits against Ford and Chrysler were decided in h is favor for tens of millions of dollars.My books on invention and design have prompted many part-time inventors to approach me with their clever ideas, asking, How can I get this to the marketplace? They tend to know the stories of products like Post-it notes and the intermittent windshield wiper, but the potentially long and arduous path from invention through rejection to vindication does not discourage them. Some of my discussions and correspondence with these inventors has spanned well over a decade, during which time they have continued to work on and improve their product. Many have produced prototypes, and my bookcases and file drawers are full of artifacts that demonstrate the never-ending ingenuity of the inventive mind.Of course, it is not just small office or consumer products and subcomponents of larger systems that are the stuff of legend and lesson. And getting an ideagood or badfrom the laboratory to the marketplace is no guarantee of commercial success. Perhaps the Edsel, the automobile with the vertically dominant grill centerpiece and push-button panel for gear selection, is among the most notorious failed automobile models.Edsel was the name of Henry Fords son, who served as president of the Ford Motor Company from 1919 (he was in his mid-20s at the time) until his death in 1943. Edsel had tried to convince his famous father to depart from the perennially conservative design of the Model T, but even a member of the family can have difficulty introducing new ideas into a company with an old mindset. It was mostly changing conditionsFord was losing market sharethat led eventually to Edsels Model A being introduced in 1927.The younger Ford also injected into the companys line the Lincoln and Mercury, the latter being named by Edsel himself. But whats in a name?In the mid-1950s, when Ford was seeking a name that was more than a label for a new automobile, the company asked the poet Marianne Moore to make suggestions. Over the course of several weeks she offered more than 40 possibilities, ranging from the rhyming Ford Silver Sword to the risible Utopian Turtletop. None of her suggestions were taken. The new car was, instead, called the Edsel.But that name for an automobileeven one made by Fordmay have been a absatzwirtschaft mistake. While the name Edsel may have been revered among some Ford decision makers, it was generally met with quizzical disregard by the car buying public. Whats an Edsel? Is it as reliable as a Lincoln or as fast as a Mercury?Another transportation story involves something that was widely hyped and anticipated as a means to change the way people move altogethernot only an invention but an innovation. As the time drew near to unveil the transformative device whose exact nature and name was held in strict secrecy, publicity and curiosity mounted. The innovative machine, developed from the self-balancing technology that made the iBot wheelchair able to climb stairs and raise its rider to eye level with a standing person, was code-named It and Ginger. The Segway, as it officially came to be known, was to be manufactured by an independent, dedicated company, which is another way to get an invention to market. But countless snagstechnical, legal, and culturaldoomed the novel two-wheeler from achieving its full promise.The Segway is among the products now on display in the recently opened Museum of Failure in Helsingborg, Sweden. Other exhibits include New Coke, which was an embarrassing effort to sneak by consumers a revised formula for a revered old soft drink, and the Betamax system of videotape recording. Superior in reproduction quality to what is known as VHS, the Betamax lost out to VHS by sheer marketing firepower. As with New Coke, you can lead consumers to market, but you cant force them to buy.Among other product failures on display at the Swedish museum are the Bic for Her ballpoint pen and Harley-Davidson perfume, whose names should be as self-explanatory as their reason s for failing. Corporations, like people, can be guilty of overreach, being greedy to add new products when the market share of their flagship products plateau, decline, or even tumble off a cliff. Such experiences with seemingly promising products, whether invented within or outside the company, can lead to overly conservative corporate behavior when it comes to subsequent proposed products.Just as the success and failure of products tend to follow cyclic pathsinventions being improved until they are over-improved, providing valuable lessons in their failure for renewed successso can corporations move from open- to close-mindedness and back again as they welcome and then reject new ideas. Depending upon where inventors and staff researchers and developers alike catch a company in the cycle, they may or may not find it easy to sell their hoped-for innovations to the marketers and decision-making executives.Henry Petroski is the Aleksandar S. Vesic Professor of Civil Engineering and a professor of history at Duke. His latest book, The Road Taken The History and Future of Americas Infrastructure, has recently been issued in paperback.Readthe latest issue of theMechanical Engineering Magazine. For Further Discussion

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Exploring Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces

Exploring Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces Exploring Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces Exploring Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic SurfacesInterview conducted by Paul Glanville, PE, Senior Engineer, Gas Technology InstituteThe Effects of Frost Nucleation and GrowthAlexander Van Dyke, a senior undergraduate student at Kansas State University (KSU), along with Professor Amy Betz have been working on a project investigating the effects of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic surfaces, with varying wettability, will affect the formation of frost growth.In an interview with Alexander Van Dyke, he indicates that, this concept has implications not only on airplanes, and power transgression lines, but there are certain situations where you want frost to grow. He went further to say, Theres a concept of a system out in the desert where they are using frost growing as water collection. GLANVILLE Tell us about yur experience. How did you get involved in the Frost Nucleation and Growth research project? VAN DYKE I am in my last semester of undergraduate studies. Spending the past five years working towards a degree in mechanical engineering with a dual major in mathematics my degrees at KSU, I knew I wanted to get a masters degree and get involved in research.In searching the KSU ME faculty directory, I found Professor Amy Betz. She was working on thermodynamics and heat transfer, which are some of my primary interests. Although, I met with other professors, when I talked with Professor Betz, she was eager to offer me a research position. I could feel her excitement toward engineering. I enjoy being a researcher and I plan to purse a Ph.D. to one day become a professor.GLANVILLE Do you think this project is going to be related to your graduate work?VAN DYKE Yes, definitely my masters thesis. I am going to work on translating our findings into a Lattice Boltzmann mathematical model. Thus far, it has been a challenge to model frost growth due to computational limits and frost formati on complexity. I am going to use the surface wettabilitys and the surrounding conditions as a parameter, as well as, the thickness of the layers (which are Nanometers thick). Then we will conduct more empirical work to see if the results we find from different surfaces actually match the model.GLANVILLE Tell us about the experimental preparation for the work that you have done with some of the surface treatments?VAN DYKE The biggest task was building the experimental set up. We had to create a micro channel heat exchanger. We ran ice water through it while running a Peltier heater in reverse fabricating the materials was quite the process. So far, I personally have not made one of the mixed surfaces. Those have all been Professor Betz. I have been making the plain hydrophobic slides. We take glass slides and we coat them in a 1% OTS to toluene mixture, for about 15 minutes then remove the material with chloroform.GLANVILLE Working through your upper division classes and particularly looking forward to the modeling side of things, how has those classes aided you in understanding this work and in turn your class material?VAN DYKE Heat Transfer actually worked in reverse, my research helped me understand the course. Aside from that, my undergraduate courses thermodynamics, machine design and working with heavy machinery in our ISME class has been crucial. It was a lab where we learned machine code and fabricated our own bench vice. Also, being a math major has helped me understand the modeling better.GLANVILLE Do you see this work benefiting the marketplace?VAN DYKE The biggest one that I see is the aircraft industry. In the past 15 years, there have been over 70 airplane crashes that have been caused due to frost build up. Although they are smaller scale planes typically, it has a big effect it decreases the lift and increases the drag, the planes stall. If we can prove that behauptung layers do in fact, at least, create a thinner and easier removed frost growth or even mitigate it, then we can integrate that into the design of the wings. Then hopefully, that will decrease crashes, and the same applies pretty much to all of the other systems decrease the frost growth for specific hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. Refrigeration systems is also major because of the major decrease in efficiency frost creates.GLANVILLE Have you spoken with an aviation companies or aeronautic experts?VAN DYKE Professor Betz has shared our research findings with potential stakeholders at various conferences. They all think it is cutting edge, necessary research and are very supportive of the work.GLANVILLE Do you expect that in order to simulate those conditions at some point you will have to use a wind tunnel?VAN DYKE There is a wind tunnel at KSU that we will be able to use for model flight simulation through the aero department.GLANVILLE In reaching out to the aero department, have you found any other collaborative opportunities around your research?VAN D YKE One of the main struggles is figuring out how to measure the density of the underlying frost layer. At KSU, we have a working nuclear reactor, and so we were thinking about using the Gamma rays, that it pulses out, to get the density. If not, then our mathematics department has a good digital image processing professor who we might be able to work with. We also went interdepartmental to use a SMART Lab.GLANVILLE Do you find yourself looking to specialize as you continue in your academic program?VAN DYKE I am hoping to specialize in heat transfer at a micro Nano scale. I also find the natural gas industry fascinating.GLANVILLE Whats next for you?VAN DYKE If I do not pursue a Ph.D., I hope to aid in improving the technique that we use for Shale Gas extraction and promote the natural gas industry. But right now, I am focusing on my Masters thesis and this frost research. Its relatively in its infancy- and I would like to, at least, be a part of developing an overall theory or even just the model. Hopefully, applying the concept to other surfaces and being able to say yes frost will form this way on this surface under these conditions.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Transform Your Recruiting Process TodayFor Free

Transform Your Recruiting Process TodayFor FreeTransform Your Recruiting Process TodayFor FreeAt SimplyHired we hear quite a few grievances from both sides of the hiring process aisle. Prospective candidates often complain about cumbersome application processes or unresponsive companies. Those looking to hire, on the other hand, feel the pains of a lack of quality talent or, per more modern trends, great candidates ghosting halfway through the interview process. While there will always be outlyers in any recruitment program, there are a few common stress points that cause an otherwise smooth process to go awry in a hurry. With our inside look at the stages of hiring and our reutation for making quality employment connections we recently took the opportunity of an unhappy applicant to conduct a real life case study on what irks befhigung candidates. Keep reading for our take on what it takes to transform your recruiting process today, for free.Our Unhappy SubjectWe sat down with a hig hly qualified professional who has recently been searching for a new position via Simply Hired and independent listings. The job seeker welches recently laid off due to corporate downsizing and has an impressive resume in their field. In our initial feedback session, they pointed to the lengthy online application process and their number one frustration when applying for individual positions. While its useful to gather information about prospective candidates, fruchtwein of what you need to know will be included in a professional resume or cv. Education, experience, relevant certifications, and contact details are all crticial elements of candidate consideration and should all be available at a glance for any recrutier or hiring manager. If you must have a resume fed into your standard format, plenty of application programs will allow an applicant to upload their resume and pull designated fields with little to no fuss. An ideal application should steer away from questions requiring paragraph long answers or that take longer than 10 minutes or so to complete. The only thing a lengthy and confusing application process will do is scare off the most qualified of individuals who have plenty of prospects in todays competitive job market.In addition to the time and complexity of submitting a resume, the candidate also highlighted poor mobile application experience as a turn off when attempting to apply for open positions. Todays job-seeker is increasingly on the go and mobile dependent for everything from shopping to social media to applying for jobs. Weve delved into this topic plenty in the past, but its good to highlight that a lack of mobile friendliness today is a surefire way to get candidates to click the back button.Last but not least on our candidates list of gripes involved communication by potential employers. For those positions they did choose to apply for, in many cases, there was no confirmation of receipt of resume or application, nor any follow up o n whether a resume was rejected as not the right fit. In one particularly egregious case, the candidate participated in an initial screening interview and was told they were approved to move on to an in person opportunity. After several weeks of no response or follow up to his email inquiries, the candidate gave up. When the company did manage to get back to the candidate, lets just say impressions were less than rosey.While this may seem to be a bit of doom and gloom, every cloud always has a silver lining. If youre reading this article, weve just laid out three real life, simple, and freely executable solutions to help improve your hiring process keep the application process simple, ensure mobile accessibility and dont forget to stay on top of your communication. Our case study may not match the experiences of every recruit, but its certainly a solid starting spot for an easy, simple, and free overhaul of your recruiting process. Check back in as we continue to delve into best pra ctices for recruiters, hiring professionals, and employees to help further our mission of making quality connections between job-seekers and companies in need of talent.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Everybody Dislikes About What Is the Purpose of a Resume and Why

What Everybody Dislikes About What Is the Purpose of a Resume and Why If you dont meet the requirements, you just wont be considered. In accepted resume speak, you likewise dont require the first-person subject as its assumed. You have to organize your resume to aid agencies evaluate your experience. Identifying the experiences you should emphasize isnt an effortless endeavor. The Chronicles of What Is the Purpose of a Resume You dont want to provide your reader a work assignment just in order to print and share your document. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you should thoroughly edit your document. There are lots of possibilities, but overall, it isnt a crucial aspect. You will get such ready formats for each and every type of job that you want to apply. Introducing What Is the Purpose of a Resume Obviously, you will ensure that the text isnt too crowded on the webpage and that margins are neat and orderly For instance, you may include a Gl obal Impact section rather than a Volunteer section. Just because youve got a three-page resume does leid indicate you must incorporate all 3 pages of every work application. For graduate engineers in the usa, the expectation is a 1 page resume. Finding What Is the Purpose of a Resume Online If youre an applicant with a long employment history, concentrate on the latest ones or the ones which are associated with the job that you are or will be applying for. When composing your resume, always remember the relevance of the information which you are sharing. A good resume should be long enough to cover all the crucial info, yet not so long it will overwhelm the man looking over the document. With rest and suitable treatment golfers elbow becomes cured and an individual can resume their activities. Understanding What Is the Purpose of a Resume Resume objectives are outdated just a great idea when asking friends to forward it people who might not understand what type of job tha t youre searching for. The very first thing you ought to do with your resume is to eliminate irrelevant and unnecessary details. Its possible to find a lots of free printable resumes when you take the chance to attempt to see them. What Is the Purpose of a Resume - Overview In that situation, you are going to want to give an exhaustive collection of publications to impress upon the man making hiring decisions that you are both professional and prolific in your work. In the majority of cases, you wont get a chance to talk with the recruiter in person during the screening approach. In some instances, you might not even need to speak about your sabbatical during an interview. Try to remember, if youre called for an interview, youre able to then explain anything not listed that you are interested in getting the employer to understand. Copy your answers back to the on-line questionnaire whenever youre finished. One of the absolute most critical mistakes made on resumes is the usage of passive, vague wording. Choosing your words to spell out your worthiness and choosing the ideal examples becomes more important. These days, the volume of totally free on-line job application templates is outstanding. Employing is a two-step approach. Recruiters and hiring managers sometimes wish to observe every little individuals employment history. Hiring agencies will try to find certain terms in your resume to make sure to have the experience theyre seeking. Resumes also ought to be concise and tailored to that particular job. The Tried and True Method for What Is the Purpose of a Resume in Step by Step Detail Creative While its important to get a professional resume, sometimes just a little creativity and innovation is acceptable. Although CVs and resumes are starting to resemble each other, CVs continue to be very distinct. The 30-Second Trick for What Is the Purpose of a Resume In summary, the above are a few of the tips we find helpful in preparing a gre at MA resume. Just long enough to find the job finished. The exact same is true for your business and job title. In spite of popular advice, the response isnt always clear, and as a new grad, it can be difficult to understand what precisely its possible to change in a resume to reflect a particular job. The Hidden Treasure of What Is the Purpose of a Resume A gemeinsame agrarpolitik in the midst of a very good career may be a situation. You dont need to return to the start of your career. As you get experience, you will want to eliminate some points from your resume to be sure it stays applicable and brief. Even if you have over 20 years experience as an executive, you should provide significant thought on the details you wish to highlight.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Four Tips for Planning a Career

Four Tips for Planning a Career Great careers begin with a strong, well thought out plan. Contrary to popular belief, most people dont get ahead by luck or even by just working hard a lot of success has to do with your initial career planning efforts and structure you envision for your professional career. Planning a careershould be taken seriously. When you are first starting out yourcareer plansshould be clear. You should have a general idea of what field you wish to enter and how much training you will need. If you do not have the proper training you should take the steps to get it as soon as possible. The better prepared you are, the greater your chances are of making yourself into a success. Here are some tips to help you as you map out your steps in the beginning stages of your career.1. When you areplanning a careeryou need to know your strengths and weaknesses. The reason for this is you need to develop a good, solid resume and know how to discuss your ambitions in an interview. There are plenty ofcareersto choose, but you need to know where you fit in and in what capacity. Then, you need to play this up so that you will look better than other applicants.2. In order to get good information aboutcareer infoyou can search zugreifbar for the most important information related to your industry. Doing a goodemployment job searchis essential, because you will want to have as many different options as possible. The more resumes that you send out the better your chances will be to snare the interview.3. You should also make koranvers that you are clear that you want to be able to excel in your career choice. Management options are always available in most positions, so you want to be clear that that is your intention in the long run.4. When you are working, make sure that you perform your job duties to the highest level possible. When planning your career, make sure you pla n what exact steps you are going to take as you are working how will you succeed at a given job? Make sure that you get along well with management and that you are a team player. Your hard work and efforts will pay off.Career planning is important. Make sure that you take the necessary steps to get yours off to the right start. When you are ambitious and willing to work hard, it will show to others and you will succeed in your endeavors.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Saturday, November 23, 2019

8 things that set truly confident people apart

8 things that tischset truly confident people apart8 things that set truly confident people apartSuccessful people often exude confidence - its obvious that they believe in themselves and what theyre doing. It isnt their success that makes them confident, however. The confidence was there first.Think about itDoubt breeds doubt.Why would anyone believe in you, your ideas, or your abilities if you didnt believe in them yourself?It takes confidence to reach for new challenges.People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay within their comfort zones. But comfort zones rarely expand on their own. Thats why people who lack confidence get stuck in dead-end jobs and let valuable opportunities pass them by.Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of external circumstances.Successful people arent deterred by obstacles, which is how they rise up in the first place.No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. Its time to remove any lingering self-doubt. With proper g uidance and hard work, anyone can become mora confident. Embracing the following behaviors of truly confident people will help get you there.1. They take an honest look at themselvesJohnny Unitas said, There is a difference between conceit and confidence. Conceit is bragging about yourself. Confidence means you believe you can get the job done. In other words, confidence isearnedthrough hard work, and confident people are self-aware. When your confidence exceeds your abilities, youve crossed the line into arrogance. You need to know the difference.True confidence is firmly planted in reality. To grow your confidence, its important to do an honest and accurate self-assessment of your abilities. If there are weaknesses in your skill set, make plans for strengthening these skills and find ways to minimize their negative impact. Ignoring your weaknesses or pretending theyre strengths wont make them go away. Likewise, having a clear understanding of your strengths enables you to shake of f some of the more groundless feedback and criticism you can get in a busy, competitive work environment- and that builds confidence.2. They dont seek attentionPeople are turned off by those who are desperate for attention. Confident people know that being yourself is much more effective than trying to prove that youre important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what, or how many, people you know. Confident people always seem to bring the right attitude.Confident people are masters of attention diffusion. When theyre receiving attention for an accomplishment, they quickly shift the focus to all the people who worked hard to help get them there. They dont crave approval or praise because they draw their self-worth from within.3. They seek out small victoriesConfident people tend to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the b rain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases your confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can brde for months.4. They speak with certaintyIts rare to hear the truly confident utter phrases such as Um, Im bedrngnis sure, and I think. Confident people speak assertively because they know that its difficult to get people to listen to you if you cant deliver your ideas with conviction.5. They exerciseA study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exerc ise that made all the difference.Schedule your exercise to make certain it happens, and your confidence will stay up.6. They dress for successLike it or leid, how we dress has a huge effect on how people see us. Things like the color, cut, and style of the clothes we wear- and even our accessories- communicate loudly. But the way we dress also affects how we see ourselves. Studies have shown that people speak differently when theyre dressed up compared to when theyre dressed casually.To boost your confidence, dress well. Choose clothing that reflects who you are and the image you want to project, even if that means spending more time at the mall and more time getting ready in the morning.7. They are assertive, not aggressiveAggressiveness isnt confidence its bullying. And when youre insecure, its easy to slip into aggressiveness without intending to.Practice asserting yourself without getting aggressive (and trampling over someone else in the process). You wont be able to achieve th is until you learn how to keep your insecurities at bay, and this will increase your confidence.8. They get right with the bossA troubled relationship with the boss can destroy even the most talented persons confidence. Its hard to be confident when your boss is constantly criticizing you or undermining your contributions.Try to identify where the relationship went wrong and decide whether theres anything you can do to get things back on track. If the relationship is truly unsalvageable, it may be time to move on to something else.Bringing it all togetherYour confidence is your own to develop or undermine. Its the steadfast knowledge that goes beyond simply hoping for the best. It ensures that youll get the job done- thats the power of true confidence.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the co-founder of TalentSmart.This article originally appeared on LinkedIn.8 things that set truly confident people apartSuccessful people often exude confidence - it s obvious that they believe in themselves and what theyre doing. It isnt their success that makes them confident, however. The confidence was there first.Think about itDoubt breeds doubt.Why would anyone believe in you, your ideas, or your abilities if you didnt believe in them yourself?It takes confidence to reach for new challenges.People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay within their comfort zones. But comfort zones rarely expand on their own. Thats why people who lack confidence get stuck in dead-end jobs and let valuable opportunities pass them by.Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of external circumstances.Successful people arent deterred by obstacles, which is how they rise up in the first place.No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. Its time to remove any lingering self-doubt. With proper guidance and hard work, anyone can become more confident. Embracing the following behaviors of truly confident people will help get you there.1 . They take an honest look at themselvesJohnny Unitas said, There is a difference between conceit and confidence. Conceit is bragging about yourself. Confidence means you believe you can get the job done. In other words, confidence isearnedthrough hard work, and confident people are self-aware. When your confidence exceeds your abilities, youve crossed the line into arrogance. You need to know the difference.True confidence is firmly planted in reality. To grow your confidence, its important to do an honest and accurate self-assessment of your abilities. If there are weaknesses in your skill set, make plans for strengthening these skills and find ways to minimize their negative impact. Ignoring your weaknesses or pretending theyre strengths wont make them go away. Likewise, having a clear understanding of your strengths enables you to shake off some of the more groundless feedback and criticism you can get in a busy, competitive work environment- and that builds confidence.2. They d ont seek attentionPeople are turned off by those who are desperate for attention. Confident people know that being yourself is much more effective than trying to prove that youre important. People catch on to your attitude quickly and are more attracted to the right attitude than what, or how many, people you know. Confident people always seem to bring the right attitude.Confident people are masters of attention diffusion. When theyre receiving attention for an accomplishment, they quickly shift the focus to all the people who worked hard to help get them there. They dont crave approval or praise because they draw their self-worth from within.3. They seek out small victoriesConfident people tend to challenge themselves and compete, even when their efforts yield small victories. Small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increas es your confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.4. They speak with certaintyIts rare to hear the truly confident utter phrases such as Um, Im not sure, and I think. Confident people speak assertively because they know that its difficult to get people to listen to you if you cant deliver your ideas with conviction.5. They exerciseA study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher. Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference.Schedule your exercise to make certain it happens, and your confidence will stay up.6. They dress for successLike i t or not, how we dress has a huge effect on how people see us. Things like the color, cut, and style of the clothes we wear- and even our accessories- communicate loudly. But the way we dress also affects how we see ourselves. Studies have shown that people speak differently when theyre dressed up compared to when theyre dressed casually.To boost your confidence, dress well. Choose clothing that reflects who you are and the image you want to project, even if that means spending more time at the mall and more time getting ready in the morning.7. They are assertive, not aggressiveAggressiveness isnt confidence its bullying. And when youre insecure, its easy to slip into aggressiveness without intending to.Practice asserting yourself without getting aggressive (and trampling over someone else in the process). You wont be able to achieve this until you learn how to keep your insecurities at bay, and this will increase your confidence.8. They get right with the bossA troubled relationshi p with the boss can destroy even the most talented persons confidence. Its hard to be confident when your boss is constantly criticizing you or undermining your contributions.Try to identify where the relationship went wrong and decide whether theres anything you can do to get things back on track. If the relationship is truly unsalvageable, it may be time to move on to something else.Bringing it all togetherYour confidence is your own to develop or undermine. Its the steadfast knowledge that goes beyond simply hoping for the best. It ensures that youll get the job done- thats the power of true confidence.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the co-founder of TalentSmart.This article originally appeared on LinkedIn.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ASME Awards Nearly 70 Scholarships to Student Members

ASME Awards Nearly 70 Scholarships to Student Members ASME Awards Nearly 70 Scholarships to Student Members ASME Awards Nearly 70 Scholarships to Student MembersSept. 22, 2017 Each year, the ASME Scholarship Program helps ensure the future of the engineering profession by helping ease the financial burden for ASME student members who are pursuing their undergraduate and graduate degrees. This year, 69 student members were awarded more than $260,000 in scholarships through the ASME Foundation Scholarship Program and the ASME Auxiliary Scholarship Program.The ASME Scholarship Program offers more than 30 different scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, including the Kenneth Andrew Roe Scholarship, the ASME Foundation Scholar awards, the ASME/Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Scholarships, and the ASME Nuclear Division (NED) Scholarship.Trevor White of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was awarded ASMEs largest single-year scholarship, and named the Kenne th Andrew Roe Scholar. The $13,000 scholarship, which is awarded to juniors and seniors studying mechanical engineering, was established in 1991 in memory of the former ASME president and chairman of the ASME Foundation. Trevor WhiteWhite, who is a senior studying mechanical engineering at RPI, served as president of the ASME student section at his university last year. In his scholarship acceptance essay, White said being selected as the Roe Scholar was an incredible honor and I am so grateful for it. This award comes at a time of financial uncertainty, (as) therbeie have been many setbacks this past year and even more costs approaching in the future. Receiving this award solidifies my attendance at Rensselaer for my senior year and enables me to continue pursuing my research project, involve myself further in ASME, and invest more time narrowing my search for a career that I love.Another ASME student member, Jared Talamini, a junior at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, was one of three student members who received $11,000 scholarships and were named ASME Foundation Scholars this year, along with Jason Bugarin of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Austin Kaul of the South Dakota School of Mines Technology. Jared TalaminiIn his scholarship acceptance essay, Talamini, who is enrolled in a five-year Bachelor of Science program in electromechanical engineering with a minor in manufacturing, said that in addition to enabling him to continue his studies at Wentworth without interruption, being selected as an ASME Foundation Scholar has inspired him to get the fruchtwein out of his college experience. My involvement in ASME has given me opportunities to gain internships, network with professionals, and learn new software and other skills that arent part of the curriculum, continued Talamini, who is chair of the student chapter at his university. This year I intend to do more with our chapter than our school has ever done in the past. One of his goals this year is to take part in Accelerate, the universitys Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, which promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among students, faculty, alumni and the local community in order to bring ideas and products to the marketplace.Danielle Petterson, from the University of South Florida, was one of two winners of the ASME/ Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Scholarships. Petterson won the undergraduate award, while Erin Hong of California State University, Northridge, received the post-graduate ASME/SHPE Scholarship. The program, now in its third year, provides two $5,000 awards each year to students who are members of both ASME and SHPE and have been actively involved in volunteer work to benefit others through at least one of the societies. Danielle PettersonThe past year had been a trying one for Petterson, who is a senior at the University of South Florida majoring in mechanical engineering and the activities chair for her schools ASME s tudent section. Already struggling to afford school and housing, Petterson lost her apartment in a fire last spring and has had to move eight times in the months that followed. Understandably, she describes her year so far as incredibly stressful, but she expressed in her acceptance essay that the ASME/SHPE Undergraduate Scholarship is relieving some of that pressure.In addition to unexpected emergency expenses that have affected her family, growing student loan debt left Petterson in constant panic about money and school, she wrote. Winning this scholarship from ASME has definitely lifted some of the weight off of my shoulders and has given me the little boost I needed to continue working toward my goals. I am so proud of this organization for valuing its student members and I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity.Joshua Smith, an ASME student member from Colorado State University, is one of three students who were each awarded a $5,000 ASME Nuclear Engineering Divisio n (NED) Scholarship for the 2017-2018 school year. Also receiving NED Scholarships for this school year are Eric Zhong of California Polytechnic State University and Hank Costner from Utah State University. Each year, the division awards three scholarships to ASME student members who demonstrate a particular interest the design, analysis, development, testing, operation and maintenance of nuclear reactor systems and components, nuclear fusion, heat transport, nuclear fuels technology and radioactive waste. Joshua SmithSmith, who has been a board member of Colorado State Universitys ASME student section for two years, served as professional development chair last year and was recently elected vice chair of the student section. He is pursuing bachelors degrees in both mechanical engineering and bioengineering at Colorado State.This scholarship will help me, as well as my family, allowing me to focus on my studies and maintain the class load I need to complete my five-year program in four years, while mucksmuschenstill gaining experience participating in internships, and ASME activities, he wrote. Your help will both minimize my own resulting debt and help me to focus on my studies, internships and organizing activities for my colleges ASME student chapter. During this last year at Colorado State, White said he would like to continue working in the laboratory in which he currently researches and develops low-cost portable aerosol samplers as well as continue helping coordinate ASME activities that enable students to connect with professionals in industry and academia.Other scholarships awarded by the Foundation include two $5,000 Garland Duncan Scholarships, which were given to Tamim Reza of the University of MichiganFlint and Mukul Sawant of Purdue University, and three $4,500 Willis F. Thompson Scholarships, which were awarded to Viktoria Meyerhoff of Indiana UniversityPurdue University, Tooba Ehtesham of the University of Houston, and Joseph Pechstein of the Milwaukee School of Engineering.To read the complete list of 2017-2018 ASME scholarship winners, visit the Scholarship Winners webpage on more information on the ASME Scholarship Program, visit To find out how you can support the scholarship program with a gift to the ASME Foundation, go to